BSA Grants Variances on East 9th Street
In September the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant variances to the Mutliple Dwelling Law to allow rooftop additions to be built at 329, 331, 333 & 335 East 9th Street. Though we are not pleased with the Board’s decision, there is a bright side.
GVSHP presented testimony at the Board of Standards and Appeals’ hearings, utilizing the extensive research we compiled of every site in the East Village, to illustrate to the Board the history of the buildings and to call attention to the fact that that they have been altered very little since they were built.
Here is an excerpt from our testimony:
“These buildings were constructed by developer John W. Theiss starting with 329 East 9th Street in 1869, followed by 333 and 335 East 9th Street being constructed in 1875, and 331 East 9th Street in 1884. The buildings are very much intact and retain most of their original architectural features including elaborately detailed cornices, window pediments, and face materials. Should these additions be constructed, the buildings would most certainly have their cornices removed and perhaps end up altogether stripped of ornament.”
You can read the rest of GVSHP’s testimony here.
Historic tax photos, left, from our research show how little the buildings have changed over the years.
Compelled by our testimony, the Board of Standards and Appeals determined that the additions must be setback from the façade of the building in order to leave the historic cornices intact and respect the character of the buildings and the block.
Though the BSA has made its decision we are still concerned that these additions violate the Multiple Dwelling Law and the Sliver Law and could impact the structural integrity of the buildings. To understand more about these issues read our previous post: Developer Seeks Variances from Board of Standards and Appeals for Rooftop Additions at 329-335 East 9th Street.