Landmarks Hearing for 50 West 13th Street Set for September 10

Save the date! The proposed landmark designation of 50 West 13th Street, the longtime home of the 13th Street Repertory Theatre, which we’ve been campaigning to save since 2020, has been scheduled for a hearing at the Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday, September 10 (time TBA). The public can testify remotely via video or in person, and we strongly encourage all who support preserving this historic structure to do so. Supporters can also submit written testimony. We’ll provide details as they become available and sample testimony closer to the date of the hearing, but put September 10 on your calendar now!
Village Preservation has been fighting to save this endangered 1846 house since the death of longtime co-owner and 13th Street Repertory Theatre operator Edith O’Hara. In addition to the rich theater history connected to the building, Village Preservation’s research uncovered and established the building’s incredibly important African American, civil rights, and women’s suffrage history.
Stay tuned for more details, and see you on September 10!