Latest on restricting chain stores in the East Village
In September the Community Board # 3 passed a resolution defining the purpose and reason for the Special District but could not agree on language regarding formula retail zoning.
Some on the Board wanted to allow such chain stores by a Special Permit process through the City Planning Commission (CPC). But others spoke out against allowing them by Special Permit. You can see that brief discussion on video HERE.
The CPC Special Permit allows for no meaningful public input and besides would undermine one of the main purposes -namely to restrict such stores entirely form the neighborhood.
Please make time to attend this meeting:
Wednesday, November 6th
6:30pm CB3 Economic Development Committee The Lee – 133 Pitt Street (at Houston)
You can sign up to speak to support our friends on the community board thank them for their progress on this issue and to state that you want chain stores restricted entirely and not allowed by CPC Special Permit.
Also, send this email and reiterate your support for a restriction on chain stores in the largest area possible with no allowance by Special Permit. It takes less than a minute to send three emails at once to our local officials when you click here.
Finally, here is a link to a bilingual flier, in English and Spanish, that you can post in your lobby or favorite local store providing information about the proposal. Or let me know if you want us to deliver any number of color copies.