Public Information Session: Former P.S. 64/Charas, 605 East 9th Street, Thursday, January 23 at 6:30

We and many others in the East Village community fought for decades to save and preserve the former P.S. 64 building on East 9th Street and return it to community use. After ownership was finally wrested from a developer determined to destroy the building and its community purpose, the goal of restoring and returning it to a community use is now closer than it’s been in over a quarter century. If you missed the first informational session on planning for this community landmark in the fall, representatives of the new owner and elected officials are hosting another session this Thursday, January 23 at 6:30 pm.

Join in person at the Grand Street Settlement at 80 Pitt Street to learn about the current developments and initiatives surrounding this iconic community space. Whether you’re a longtime supporter or new to the cause, this informational session will provide valuable updates. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with your fellow community members and engage in meaningful and collaborative discussions.