Registration Now Open for Our Fall Continuing Education Course

Registration for Village Preservation’s acclaimed continuing education course is now open! All instruction for this 22.5-hour course will be live and in-person at the Parish Hall of the historic St. Mark’s in the Bowery Church on three consecutive Thursdays in October.

Taught by a talented and knowledgeable mix of professionals in the field, you will learn about historic preservation, the NYC Landmark Law, and practical tips for brokers; the influence of Classical architecture on the stylistic development of townhouses, apartment buildings, and tenements; the evolution of regulatory reforms and zoning laws that shaped urban design and building types in the context of socioeconomic, cultural, and political forces; and the realities of working with the Department of Buildings and other NYC regulatory bodies. This course is designed for real estate agents but is also open at a discounted rate to the general public not seeking credits.

August 9, 2024