Save the Merchant’s House – Zoning Approvals for Hotel Next Door at City Council Sept. 17

Join us Monday, September 17th at 9:30 am at the City Council public hearing at the 250 Broadway 16th floor hearing room to oppose zoning changes and special approvals needed for a hotel planned abutting the Merchant’s House Museum at 27 East 4th Street. Last month the City Planning Commission APPROVED this outrageous application, endangering this historic landmark, and making the City Council the last line of defense.
The Merchant’s House Museum believes the construction of the hotel would gravely endanger their landmarked house and cultural institution and cause great damage to the building. The hotel developer owns an adjoining site on Lafayette Street which could be developed instead without presenting such a danger. Tell the City Council, including Councilmember Carlina Rivera, who represents the site, not to approve to the spot zoning and requested special approvals for this plan, and to protect the Merchant’s House.

Please note: The date, time, and location of the hearing may change.  If it does, GVSHP will send out a follow-up notice.

September 10, 2018