Measuring 2.2 miles from the FDR Drive to West Street, 14th Street is longest crosstown street in Manhattan — and offers a remarkable cross-section of New York history. Historian James Nevius will guide us on a virtual walking tour* from river to river, looking at the architecture, cultural history, and waxing and waning importance over the centuries of Greenwich Village’s northern border. Beginning with the Lenape, Nevius will trace how 14th Street is more than just a thoroughfare, but a major landmark in and of itself.

*Admission is $20 (plus fees) per registered device; proceeds benefit Village Preservation (a recording will be made available for all registrants the next day free of charge)

James Nevius is the co-author of Inside the Apple: A Streetwise History of New York City (Simon & Schuster) and Footprints in New York: Tracing the Lives of Four Centuries of New Yorkers (Lyons Press) as well as numerous articles on the history and architecture of the city for publications such as Monocle, the Chicago Tribune, Curbed, the New York Post, and more.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022
6:00 pm
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