Our Lady of Greenwich Village

A discussion of Irish Catholic immigration to Greenwich Village with authors Dermot McEvoy and John Strausbaugh

Authors Dermot McEvoy (Our Lady of Greenwich Village, Terrible Angel, and The 13th Apostle) and John Strausbaugh (The Village: 400 Years of Beats and Bohemians, Radicals and Rogues, Black Like You, Rock ‘Til You Drop) discuss the history and impact of Irish Catholic immigration in the Greenwich Village area.

McEvoy grew up in the Village when it was a working class neighborhood, populated with longshoremen, cops, firemen, and truck drivers. Their talk will range from the Irish waterfront that inspired On the Waterfront to the churches, like St. Brigid’s, that anchored the Irish community, to famous Irish New Yorkers such as Archbishop “Dagger John” Hughes, Mayor Jimmy “Gentleman Jim” Walker, world champion prizefighter Gene Tunney, and the Civil War Generals Michael Corcoran and Thomas Francis Meagher.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
6:30 pm

Church of St. Brigid
Avenue B at East 8th Street