Waverly Place between Grove Street and Sixth Avenue
Greenwich Village Historic District
LPC Designation Report: Available in PDF.
Application is to construct a rooftop addition, modify and reconstruct the rear façade, excavate the cellar and rear yard, replace windows, and legalize the installation of a stoop gate without Landmarks Preservation Commission permit(s).
PDF presentation links:
LPC Presentation of 1/28/2025
Community Board Presentation of 12/16/2024
Community Board Presentation of 10/17/2024
LPC Public Meeting – TBD
**All information and timings are subject to change. Items can sometimes be postponed (laid over) for a future date. Check back here or sign up to receive notifications for this project.
LPC Public Hearing – January 28th, 2025
No Action: The commissioners requested a number of changes be made to the application. Including, that the rear wall be examined to see if any of it can be salvaged instead of rebuilt, and that the existing top floor windows be retained; that the rooftop addition be reduced in order to lessen the visibility; that the windows at the primary facade be painted white instead of black; and that the details of the stoop gate be modified to better match the historic ironwork. The applicants will need to return to a LPC Public Meeting to present revisions to their proposal at a future date to be announced.
Community Board 2 Meeting – December 16th, 2024
CB Resolution Recommends:
A. Approval of the sensitive restoration of the sole surviving front facade in the row and the stoop gate; and
B. Approval of the basement excavation and underpinning provided that all regulations are followed with respect to engineering studies, best practices for construction, and monitoring to ensure the integrity of the building and the adjacent property.
C. Approval with reservations of the excavation of the rear yard for which mature trees were removed before there was consideration of the application; and
D. Denial of the rooftop addition as blatantly visible from a public thoroughfare in a district where it is widely known that the policy is that such additions must be minimally visible from any public thoroughfare; and
E. That the Commission, in view of the applicant’s willful and excessive misrepresentation of the visibility of the rooftop addition, not hold a hearing with respect to any alternate proposal until it has been reviewed by the CB2 Landmarks Committee with a full mockup and accurate photographs of the visibility.
Community Board 2 Meeting – October 17th, 2024
CB Resolution Recommends: See resolution from December 2024 CB Meeting.
Please note: At this time, all LPC public hearings and meetings are hybrid. Members of the public may participate in-person at the Municipal Building (1 Centre Street, 9th Floor Public Hearing Room), or virtually via Zoom and YouTube. For a video tutorial on how to participate virtually, click HERE.
View the video after a LPC hearing concludes: Videos of past LPC Hearings and Meetings can be found on their YouTube page. The LPC posts these videos about a week after the presentation. Videos include the applicant’s presentation, public testimony (for hearings only), and deliberation by the LPC commissioners.
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