APPROVED on 06/01/2010
Greenwich Village Historic District
Between Christopher & West 10th Streets
A vernacular frame house with brick façade built in 1820, and later altered. Application is to construct a rear yard addition, alter the rear façade, and excavate the cellar.
This application is closed. Application approved June 1st, 2010.
Status as of June 1st, 2010: LATEST NEWS
At the public hearing on June 1st, 2010, the application was approved (for more information about the proposal, please see photos under the May 25th status). All Commissioners agreed that the work must be closely monitored to ensure that the fragile building remains stable and that no original historic fabric is found under the existing stucco.
Status as of May 25th, 2010:
As the application to reconstruct the facade (heard on February 16th) was denied, a new, separate application has been filed for changes to building that do not involve the demolition and reconstruction of the front facade (rather, the existing facade will be braced and maintained). This proposal will be presented to the Commission on June 1st, 2010. The proposal involves:
1) Adding a one-story addition to the rear of the building that would extend to the rear of the lot line and would have a metal railing (the rear would remain stucco)
2) Reconfiguring the windows on the rear facade and adding a small balcony to the rear facade on the third floor, which would also have a metal railing
3) Excavating the cellar and the yard 21′ lower
4) Adding an HVAC unit to the rear of the roof (this would not be visible from the street)
Note that the photos below also show proposed changes to the front facade, including the reconfiguration of the storefront and replacement of the cornice. This portion of the application is being considered at staff level, so is technically not a part of this Certificate of Appropriateness application. For more information about staff level permits, please visit our FAQ page.
Status as of February 16th, 2010:
On February 16th, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing on an application to reconstruct the building’s facade. This application was denied.
Because the brick facade had badly deteriorated, the applicant had proposed to reconstruct the building exactly as it was, except for a few changes:
1) The fire escape would be removed
2) The ground floor would have a 10′ 3′ rear extension
3) A balcony would be added to the rear of the third floor
The Commission denied the application because they did not believe that demolition was necessary. They recommended bracing the facade instead.