Celebrate LGBTQ Pride (Virtually) With Village Preservation
Any other year, this weekend many of us would be participating in or observing LGBTQ Pride celebrations throughout our neighborhood. But with the annual march and most in-person events cancelled, we can still honor and celebrate our neighborhooods’ rich LGBTQ history and involvement in the ongoing struggle for civil rights. Village Preservation has been doing so for decades, from getting Stonewall on the National Register of Historic Places in 1999 (the first for an LGBT site) to getting it landmarked in 2015 (also the first for an LGBT site) to getting the universe of NYC LGBT landmarks expanded in 2019 with the designation of the LGBT Community Center and the former Gay Activists Alliance Firehouse.
Here’s a few ways you can mark LGBTQ pride and history, virtually, with Village Preservation:
Take our Civil Rights and Social Justice Maps LGBT Tour, encompassing over fifty entries.
Take our Greenwich Village Historic District LGBTQ Sites tour, containing nearly forty sites (on desktop, click on upper right hand corner for additional tours).
Take our East Village Building Blocks LGBTQ Sites tour, including nearly three dozen locations.
Find out about our efforts to landmark and preserve LGBTQ sites in our neighborhood and how you can help.
Read or listen to our LGBTQ-themed oral histories.
Check out our LGBTQ-themed blog posts.