Demolitions Planned on Perry, Barrow, and East 13th Streets
Every day, GVSHP monitors every one of 6,500 building lots in our neighborhood for demolition and other building permit applications. In recent days, we have been concerned to find a significant number of demolition permits filed in our neighborhood, all for buildings without landmark designation which can be demolished as-of-right.

Those buildings are 144 Barrow Street (West/Washington Streets), 156, 158, and 160 Perry Street (West Washington Streets), and 313 East 13th Street (1st/2nd Avenues). Fortunately all these sites are located within contextual zoning districts, so there are height limits and other limitations controlling what could be built on those sites. And 144 Barrow currently has an easement over it connected to the neighboring Keller Hotel at 150 Barrow Street, which would prohibit building above the first floor on the site (this easement could change, however).
At 144 Barrow Street, a new development (if the easement were lifted) could go no higher than 65 feet along the streetwall, to a maximum height of 80 feet after a setback. The same height limits apply to 313 East 13th Street and to 156 Perry and parts of 158 Perry Street, while the remainder of 158 Perry Street and 160 Perry Street allows a development to go no higher than 60 feet at the streetwall, and a maximum height of 70 feet after setbacks. Prior to a 2005 rezoning GVSHP proposed and secured, there were no height limits for new development on any of the West Village sites. Earlier this year, GVSHP successfully led the effort to beat back an attempt by the Mayor to weaken those height limits in the West Village.
The current building at 313 East 13th Street is actually taller than a new building on the site would be allowed to be under the current zoning.
Plans for all of these sites are currently not known; no new building permit applications have been filed, and demolition has not commenced on any of the sites. 313 East 13th Street is owned by Mt. Sinai/Beth Israel Hospital and changes there are expected to reflect new plans for the hospital. 144 Barrow Street and 156, 158, and 160 Perry Street are owned by the Gottlieb Estate. GVSHP will be closely monitoring all sites for any new plans or changes.
Find out more about GVSHP’s preservation efforts in the Far West Village and East Village.