Foundations for 32-ft.-Tall 5G Tower at 100 Horatio and 100 Jane Street Removed

In August we reported that the Federal Communications Commission upheld a ruling by the NYS Historic Preservation Office supporting our and others’ contention that proposed 32-ft.-tall metallic 5G towers proposed at 100 Jane and 100 Horatio Streets would have a negative impact on surrounding historic resources and should not be allowed to proceed. These are among several sites in the West Village where we have been able to secure similar rulings and halt installation of the ungainly, oversized, and in many cases unnecessary 5G towers.

We’re pleased to report that prior to Labor Day the foundations for those towers, laid prior to the ruling, were removed, indicating that Boldyn (the company seeking to site the towers there) is likely abandoning further efforts to do so.

From the beginning, we have had to fight to give the public a voice in this process and assure that historic preservation impacts, which are supposed to be considered in decision-making, are in fact taken into account. Special thanks go to fellow community organization Save Gansevoort and our many allies among citywide preservation organizations as well as elected officials who helped push back on these plans. We continue to closely monitor all proposed 5G tower installations in our neighborhood and inform the public of how they can be involved in the effort. 

September 6, 2024