New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Merger/Closure Faces Roadblock

We’re thrilled to report that the effort by Mt. Sinai to close and dismantle the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary has been denied approval by a state panel that must greenlight the plan. While not a final decision, this puts a hold on the hospital’s plan to disperse those services and sell off its historic building at Second Avenue and 13th Street, which would likely lead to its destruction. Village Preservation has been working with a coalition of patients, neighborhood residents, doctors, staff, and elected officials on this campaign, and has led the effort to get the historic building landmarked to prevent its destruction — read more here.
We will continue to work with fellow advocates on this effort to ensure both the hospital’s vital services and its historic building are preserved. In spite of the building’s impressive architecture and incredibly important history in the provision of services to the visually and hearing impaired, the Landmarks Preservation Commission has not yet acted to protect it.