Proposal to Allow Supersized Development in NYC Appears to Be Off the Table in Budget Negotiations, but Not Dead
According to multiple reports as well as insiders with whom we have spoken, it appears that the proposal to lift the cap on the allowable size of residential development in NYC is no longer under consideration as part of the still-overdue state budget being negotiated. Of course nothing is truly over until it’s over, but virtually everyone expects that this item will not make it into the final budget agreement, whenever that is reached.
While that’s good news for our efforts to prevent supersized development from being allowed in residential neighborhoods in NYC, it’s far from the end of the story. This proposal, as well as other housing-related matters, may be taken up later this session in Albany as separate legislative items after the budget is over, rather than trying to cram them into the “Big Ugly” of the budget negotiations. Should that happen, we will need to continue the fight to ensure the cap is not lifted and ludicrously oversized development is not allowed across the city.
We’ll let you know as more news on this item becomes available. But in the meantime, we want to thank EVERYONE who wrote letters and spread the word about this issue, and joined us in fighting off yet another attempt to eviscerate this longstanding safeguard against overdevelopment.