Virtual Town Hall and Teach-In on SoHo/NoHo Upzoning Plan and Study Exposing Its True Impacts: Monday, March 15 at 6pm
Join us next Monday, March 15 at 6pm for a virtual Town Hall and Teach-In on Mayor de Blasio’s massive SoHo/NoHo Upzoning Plan and our recent study showing its true impacts.
The City’s proposed SoHo/NoHo Upzoning, set to begin the public review and approval process this fall, would allow new development in these neighborhoods and parts of Chinatown at a massive scale, and allow huge big-box chain stores to locate in the neighborhood. But it’s been packaged by the City and many of its supporters as promoting equity, diversity, and affordability.
A study produced by Village Preservation shows just how untrue that is. Analysis shows it would make the neighborhood richer, whiter, and more expensive than it is now, producing only 1/5 of the projected affordable housing and likely demolishing much more affordable housing along the way. It would disproportionately impact and destroy the homes of lower-income and Asian American residents of the neighborhood and have spillover effects on the rest of Chinatown and the Lower East Side. A community alternative plan would do everything the city claims their plan would (but actually won’t), without the ill effects. But the Mayor and city officials continue to refuse to consider it.
The city’s SoHo/NoHo plan, and Village Preservation’s study, have broad implications beyond these neighborhoods. The City has indicated that if successful here, they intend to implement similar changes to other historic neighborhoods throughout New York.
Learn from Village Preservation Executive Director Andrew Berman about the city’s plan and what you can do. We’ll also be joined by elected officials speaking to the plan and our recent study which directly undermines its premises.
Co-hosted by the SoHo Alliance, Broadway Residents Coalition, NoHo Neighborhood Alliance, LES CommUnity Concerns, East Village Community Coalition, Lower East Side Preservation Initiative, and Chinatown Mural Project.
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