Business of the Month: Bergino Baseball Clubhouse, 67 East 11th Street
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Summer is upon us, and for sports lovers it is baseball season! And if you are not at one of the stadiums or ballfields, you can still explore and share your joy of the game and the culture at Bergino Baseball Clubhouse at 67 East 11th Street, our June Business of the Month. A self-described “love letter to baseball in a Greenwich Village landmark building,” we could not say it better ourselves!
The proprietor is the dynamic Jay Goldberg. After six years in the world of politics, followed by 15 years as a sports agent, Jay Goldberg’s entrepreneurial vision and passion led him home — to baseball — and the founding of Bergino in the spring of 2001. Jay opened the Bergino Baseball Clubhouse in the summer of 2010.
Whether you’re a baseball fan yourself or are shopping for one or two, the Bergino Baseball Clubhouse is a great place to find that perfect baseball-themed gift from many eras. A large selection of specialty baseballs, books, artwork and even custom made items, means you always score here.
It is a gallery, store and museum all in one, curated and managed by an owner with an obvious dedication and passion for the game. You do not have to go all the way to Cooperstown to be infused with the culture and history of the game with Bergino Baseball Clubhouse here.
The Clubhouse also hosts a regular schedule of amazing events, including book signings and talks by experts and fascinating leaders in the field, or those who have a great story you should catch. For an example, on June 22 “The Pride of the Yankees” author Richard Sandomir will be speaking — more on that here. They even have a podcast, with recent guest was Jean Hastings Ardell, author of “Breaking into Baseball: Women and the National Pastime”.

From one nomination: “A second home for baseball lovers, professionals, experts, and friends looking for a good gift. Jay is knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and kind. He hosts a variety of evening events, such as book talks, charity fundraisers, meet-and-greets, and related-product launches. Jay’s guests are happy to meet again, and those who are eminent in the field chat with other fans about our teams’ prospects and every aspect of the game. Jay has lovingly arranged books, art, collectibles, and team merchandise in an aficionado’s paradise, where one can step outside the sensory flood of the city and escape time.”

Bergino Baseball Clubhouse is located on the ground floor of The Cast Iron Building (aka the McCreery and Co. Store, 801-807 Broadway), which GVSHP and supporters have long advocated for official landmark status from the Landmark Preservation Commission. It is a grand former department store which became an adaptive re-use pioneer by changing the rules to allow the legal conversion of cast-iron loft buildings to residences in the early 1970’s. This special place is homebase for baseball lovers or those interested in an important part of American history and culture alike, and you do not need season tickets to go visit.
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And here is a handy map of all of our Businesses of the Month: