October 15th: A Community Conversation with Andrew Berman!

GVSHP is happy to announce a new program “Community Conference: The Village Past, Present, and Future with GVSHP Executive Director Andrew Berman,” that will be taking place on Sunday, October 15th from 1:30-6:00 pm at the Jefferson Market Library…
At the program, Mr. Berman will discuss two prominent buildings that were saved by the community and reborn with new purposes: The Jefferson Market Library (formerly a courthouse), and The Public Theater (former the Astor Library). Both institutions celebrate their 50 year anniversaries this fall. In fact, these next couple of years the Village will be celebrating many more 50th anniversaries: the Astor Place Cube, the Stonewall Uprising, and, most exciting to us at GVSHP, the 50th anniversary of the designation of the Greenwich Village Historic District.

This is one in a series of conversations the library is hosting with community members from the Village. Located at the heart of Greenwich Village, The Jefferson Market Library has served as a center for creativity, intellectualism, and civic engagement in its community for the past 50 years. This conference seeks to celebrate that history by connecting a diverse array of Villagers in conversation. A Village expert will provide a 10 minute “conversation starter” on an important historical, political, cultural, or personal topic, and then participate in a moderated discussion on that topic with all the participants in the room. This conference will serve to facilitate a space in which everyone’s voice can be heard! Some possible outcomes? To showcase exciting events in our neighborhood, inspire new collaborations and initiatives, collectively remember and honor our history, and to have healing discussions about growing pains in an ever-changing section of New York City.
This program is free and open to the public, but to attend please register at this link.