(l.) 64-66 Fifth Avenue is an eight-story commercial loft building constructed in three stages — in 1892 by architect R.H. Robertson, with additions in 1907 and 1915. It was the first American headquarters of prestigious publishers Macmillan Co. It later housed Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, the first art cinema house in America, and the first studio of “Picasso of Dance” Martha Graham. (r.) 68 Fifth Avenue is a Greek Revival rowhouse constructed c. 1838-40 by John H. Cornell, believed to be a high-ranking officer at the Mechanics Banking Association on Wall Street. It became the residence of N.H. Wolfe, owner of the oldest flour and grain company in New York, whose failure led to the Panic of 1857, which helped precipitate the American Civil War. A celebrated World War II entertainment venue for GIs was also located here.

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Photo by Dylan Chandler