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Street Address: 100 Horatio Street

Name of Historic Property: Gansevoort Market Historic District, Greenwich Village Historic District, former Devoe Paint Factory

Historic Property Address: 110-112 Horatio Street, 95-103 Horatio Street, 92 Horatio Street, 799 Washington Street

Suggested comments to describe the effect:

I oppose the siting of a 32-ft.-tall 5G tower at 100 Horatio Street and urge it be rejected.

The proposed location is directly across the street from the Gansevoort Market Historic District and just down the block from the Greenwich Village Historic District, as well as just feet from the individually landmarked former Devoe Paint Factory at 110-112 Horatio Street. These are all recognized historic resources, views of which would be negatively impacted by this 32-ft.-tall metallic tower. The proposed tower would contrast markedly and inharmoniously with the brick, stone, and masonry materials of the adjacent 19th- and early 20th-century Romanesque Revival buildings and those of other styles.

The applicant’s claim that leaves on trees will mitigate these impacts is false. Trees are bare for four to five months a year, and street trees are impermanent by their nature and cannot be counted upon to provide permanent mitigation. At best, they would only partially obscure views of the tower under the best of circumstances.

One must also question and object to the cumulative impact of this and several other proposed towers within yards of this location. There is no apparent need for this concentration of the towers here, and their collective impact will amount to even greater than the sum of the individual impacts of each of these.

Given the unmitigated negative impact the proposed tower would have upon multiple adjacent historic resources, I strongly urge you to reject its siting at this location.