Trains returning to the High Line
Each week we spend a great deal of time tracking applications coming before the Landmarks Preservation Commission for work on historic buildings in our neighborhood (photos and status updates to these applications can always been seen on our Landmarks Applications Webpage). Rarely does one catch our eye – and make us smile – the way one for 95 Horatio Street did last week.
No. 95 Horatio Street, originally leased by the Manhattan Refrigerating Company, extends through the whole block from Horatio to Gansevoort Street, and its northern facade sits directly across from where the High Line dead-ends. When walking along the elevated park it almost appears as if one could walk right into the building; and in fact, until the 1990’s the High Line did indeed cut right through it.
Being aware of the historic connection to the High Line, and having decided that the blank side wall no longer stands up to the building’s iconic location, the owners of 95 Horatio Street have decided to do something fun. They have unearthed an old photo of a train along the High Line, and are proposing to install a 3-D version on the side of the building, giving the effect of it coming towards you when walking on the High Line.
The application will be heard at the Landmarks Preservation Commission tomorrow, and all are welcome to attend and speak at the public hearing. We certainly think that – if well-executed – this could prove to be a pretty creative use of the space.
Do you like it? Hate it? Tell us what you think!
GVSHP fought hard to see the Gansevoort Market designated a NYC Historic District (which happened in 2003) and National Register Historic District (which happened in 2007). You can read more about the fascinating past of both this building and the neighborhood at large in the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission’s Designation Report and the State and National Register Report.
Fabulous idea! As long as we don’t have to wear 3-D glasses to view it.