Don’t Forget – LPC Hearing for East 10th Street Historic District
As a reminder on Tuesday, January 17, the Landmarks Preservation Commission will have a hearing for the proposed East 10th Street Historic District.
It is very important for you to come to the hearing and tell the LPC that you support this historic district.
What: East 10th Street Historic District Designation Hearing
When: Tuesday, January 17 at 1:30 p.m.
Where: Municipal Building, 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor, Hearing Room
Why: It is important to show the LPC that there is strong support for this historic district. This block of East 10th Street, between Avenues A and B, is remarkably intact, architecturally distinct and historically and culturally significant. It’s evolution is very much reflective of the waves of change in the East Village. It’s more than worthy of being protected and recognized with designation as an historic district.
If you are unable to attend please take the time to send a letter voicing your support to the LPC. We have a sample you can use here.