Tonight — The Hudson Square Rezoning and You

Trinity Real Estate, the major property owner in the Hudson Square neighborhood, is proposing to rezone more than a dozen blocks in Hudson Square, stretching from Houston to Canal Street, Sixth Avenue and Varick Street to Greenwich and Hudson Streets.

GVSHP, the Charlton and Vandam Block Associations, the SoHo Alliance, the Greenwich Village Community Task Force, and Greenwich Village Block Associations are holding a public meeting tonight to inform the community about the status of this potential zoning proposal, what its effects on the neighborhood might be, and what you can do to ensure that our built environment is protected from out-of-scale and out-of-character development.
We hope you can join us tonight at 6:30 at the SoHo Playhouse, 15 Vandam Street (west of 6th Avenue)!
This developer-requested rezoning will not only affect the blocks it directly covers in Hudson Square, but will likely increase development pressure on surrounding neighborhoods like the South Village. While neighboring areas like the Charlton-King-Vandam and Greenwich Village Historic Districts are relatively protected by their landmarked status, the unprotected South Village – the area south of Washington Square Park – is extremely vulnerable to new development pressures. GVSHP and many community groups have called for the entire South Village to be landmarked; while City moved ahead with designation of the northwestern third of the neighborhood in 2010, the remaining two-thirds of the neighborhood, including the area adjacent to Hudson Square, has been left unprotected.