Oppostion Ousted from City Council Vote on NYU 2031
On Wednesday the City Council voted 44-1 in favor of the NYU 2031 Plan. Since the very beginning GVSHP has advocated for a rejection of this plan and instead suggested that the University, the community, and the city of New York would be better served if the University pursued an alternative plan of locating new facilities to the Financial District where such development is wanted and needed, a solution which other universities have adopted with success as document in this report.
As reported in the media the passionate opponents of the NYU 2031 Plan were asked to leave the Council chambers and subsequently held a press conference in front of City Hall to express their dissatisfaction with the plan.
GVSHP and the NYU Faculty Against the Sexton Plan are committed to continuing to battle this plan and with the representation of the law firm Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher are investigating all legal options. Please continue to check out our NYU page for updates.