Big SoHo-NoHo Rezoning Meetings Next Wed. 4/10 & Thurs. 4/11

Village Preservation and our allies who have formed the Save SoHo-NoHo Coalition have enumerated the following principles which we believe should guide any planning for these neighborhoods:
- Preserve the existing rights and protections for residents, esp. artists/those in JLWQA (Joint Living-Work Quarters for Artists)
- Maintain the existing allowable FAR (size/density of new development)
- Uphold existing limits on the maximum allowable size of retail
- Keep public review for developments or uses not currently allowed
- Limit types of university uses to those allowable under existing zoning
- Keep the creative character of SoHo and NoHo
There are two important meetings next week on the potential rezoning process which we strongly urge you to attend, and to call for these principles to be adhered to:
- Community Board #2 Land Use Committee meeting Wed., April 10 at 6:30 pm at P.S. 130, 143 Baxter Street
- SoHo/NoHo Potential Rezoning Public Meeting Thursday, April 11 at 6pm, Municipal Bldg. (1 Centre Street), Mezzanine North
Here’s how you can also help:
April 4, 2019