Deadline for “Last Chance Landmarks” This Thursday

Earlier this month Village Preservation and many of our supporters testified to urge the Landmarks Preservation Commission to finally designate four “last chance” landmarks – historic buildings that have been under consideration for landmark designation for more than five years (three of the four have been under consideration for more than forty years).  These buildings were all proposed to be “de-calendared,” or dropped from the list of sites under consideration for landmark designation, by the Commission last year.  But after an outcry from Village Preservation and other preservationists, the LPC switched gears and is now consideringthese and ninety other sites which have lingered on the “potential landmarks” list for five years or more, with a  final decision expected early next year.  The deadline for comments on the four buildings in our area is this Thursday, November 19th.  

The four buildings in our neighborhood are 57 Sullivan Street (near Broome Street in the South Village), 138 Second Avenue (near St. Mark’s Place in the East Village), 2 Oliver Street (on the Lower East Side), and 801-807 Broadway/67 East 11th Street (formerly the McCreery & Co. Store, now ‘The Cast-Iron Building’ residences). The first three are all early 19th century federal-style houses, representing the first architectural style of the newly-independent American republic.  The former is a grand former department store which became an adaptive re-use pioneer by changing the rules to allow the legal conversion of cast-iron loft buildings to residences in the early 1970’s.  All but 138 Second Avenue were first considered for landmark designation in the 1960’s.  Read more about these incredible buildings and their histories here


Write the Landmarks Preservation Commission BY THIS THURSDAY urging them to landmark 57 Sullivan Street, 801-807 Broadway/67 East 11th Street, 138 Second Avenue, and 2 Oliver Street >>

November 16, 2015