Keeping an Eye on Historic Patchin Place Following Recent Sale

There have been multiple reports in recent weeks about the purchase of all the buildings on historic Patchin Place by a real estate investment firm. The tiny street, surrounded by 1840s houses, is among the most iconic and charming in Greenwich Village, having housed figures from Marlon Brando and ee cummings to John Reed and Djuna Barnes over the years. We’ve been closely in touch with both residents and neighbors concerned about what the purchase might mean and what the future may hold.

What we can tell you is that all of Patchin Place is landmarked as part of the Greenwich Village Historic District, and thus any substantive changes to the exterior of the buildings or the alley would require a rigorous public review and approval process, including public hearings that any concerned member of the public may participate in or weigh in on. As with all such landmarks applications in our neighborhoods, we would notify the public about such applications if filed and provide information on how to get involved (see final item below and here). If we had significant concerns about any such applications, we would also alert and mobilize the broader community, as well as weigh in ourselves.

It’s the job of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission to review any such applications, and to only approve those that are consistent with the historic character of the neighborhood and district. It’s our job to monitor that process and do everything we can to ensure the appropriate outcome, and to facilitate the public’s awareness of and involvement in that process. That’s why we monitor every one of the more than 3,500 landmarked properties in our neighborhoods every day for any such applications being filed.

If you would like specific updates from us about any landmarks applications filed for Patchin Place, sign up here

April 6, 2022