More Pushback on NoHo-SoHo Zoning Plan
Last week hundreds turned out again for the latest public meeting held by the Mayor’s Department of City Planning, Borough President Gale Brewer, and Councilmember Margaret Chin regarding a potential rezoning of the NoHo and SoHo neighborhoods. Again the overwhelming sentiment expressed by residents gathered was skepticism about the process, the motivations behind the push, and the potential outcome of a possible rezoning. And while those spearheading the drive say that there are no foregone conclusions about what if any changes they will propose, there are strong indications that increasing the allowable size and types of retail uses and changing regulations regarding residential uses and development in the neighborhood are being seriously considered.
Village Preservation and our allies with whom we have formed the Save SoHo-NoHo Coalition (including the SoHo Alliance, the NoHo Neighborhood Association, New York City Loft Tenants, the Bowery Alliance of Neighbors, and the Broadway Residents Coalition) are fighting for the following principles to protect these neighborhoods:
- Preserving the existing rights and protections for residents, esp. artists/those in JLWQA (Joint Living-Work Quarters for Artists)
- Maintaining the existing allowable FAR (density of development as measured by floor area)
- Upholding existing limits on the maximum allowable size of retail
- Keeping public review for developments or uses not currently allowed
- Limiting types of university uses to those allowable under existing zoning
- Keeping the creative character of SoHo and NoHo
The next public meeting regarding the rezoning proposal will be at Community Board #2’s Land Use Committee on Wednesday, April 10 at 6:30pm (location TBD). It’s critical that we show up to defend our neighborhoods!
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