Troubling Proposal for Construction Next Door to Merchant’s House Museum Will Return Next Tuesday

Merchant’s House Museum (r.) and 27 East 4th Street, where the proposed development would be built.

It’s been in limbo for nearly three years, but we understand a troubling proposal to allow significant new construction next door to the Merchant’s House Museum at 27 East 4th Street will return to the Landmarks Preservation Commission next Tuesday. Full details are not yet available, but we understand the proposal to allow construction next door to the local, state, and national landmark, which the museum claims will likely cause significant damage to this invaluable cultural institution, will be considered again by the Commission at its next meeting. Public testimony will not be allowed, but it will be possible to submit written comments for consideration, and the public will be able to attend the discussion in person but not speak.

As soon as more information is available, we will share it. Merchant’s House is one of our most important historic landmarks and most treasured local institutions, so it’s critical that we do all we can to make sure the museum is saved and preserved, especially in light of the ongoing failure of the city to protect buildings from construction next door. STAY TUNED.

December 6, 2023