A Special Invitation, a Century in the Making: A Salmagundi Club Open House

Have you ever wondered what’s going on behind the elegant façade at 47 Fifth Avenue, the former Irad Hawley Mansion? As the Salmagundi Club celebrates one hundred years in this landmark double-wide 1853 house, you’re invited to venture up the steps to see the art exhibits, experience the public cultural events, and take in the ambiance of the historic building, decorated festively for the holidays! Explore the club’s library, the original owners’ 19th century dressing rooms, the vintage bar, art galleries, and double parlor with its exquisite ornamental plasterwork. Docents will offer unique insights into the history of this Village institution. View historic artists’ palettes and mugs (featured on Antiques Roadshow), the club’s 22 fireplaces, as well as the historic Thumb Box Show, comprised of hundreds of small paintings by some of today’s prominent realist painters. Discover hidden original details rarely on view and enjoy food, drink, holiday music, and good company.

Co-sponsored by the Salmagundi Club, Village Preservation, and the Merchant’s House Museum.
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Sunday, December 10, 2017
6:00 pm

Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue