Athens in Manhattan: The Role of Greek Revival Architecture in Early New York City

Walking Tour & Garden Reception at the Merchant’s House Museum

America turns two hundred forty-two this year, and even if we start counting from the arrival of the Dutch in 1642, New York City is less than four hundred years old — a baby by global standards! As a burgeoning metropolis in a young republic, 19th-century New York sought to strengthen its position in the world by connecting itself to history — especially Ancient Greece, regarded as the birthplace of democracy. So Greek Revival architecture was born, linking New York to the glorious “Golden Age” of Athens in the 5th century BCE.

Educator and tour guide Andrew Coletti will lead an evening focused on Greek Revival architecture in and around the 1832 Merchant’s House Museum, itself an exemplar of this style. We’ll learn about specific features of Greek Revival and compare Ancient Greek civilization with the ideal presented in 19th-century America.

This event is outdoors and sidewalk accessible.

Co-sponsored by the Merchant’s House Museum
5:00pm: First Walking Tour
6:00pm: Garden Reception for all
7:00pm: Second Walking Tour

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
5:00 pm

Merchant’s House Museum, 29 East 4th St