East Meets Green
A Walking Tour of East Village Community Gardens

Co-sponsored by Green Guerillas & The Manhattan Land Trust

Join us on this tour of three distinct East Village gardens and meet with the gardeners who will discuss the history, maintance, and uniqueness of their spaces.

Stops will include the Liz Christy Garden, the first community garden in NYC. Started in 1973 at a time when empty lots overwhelmed the city, the garden served as a model for the development of community gardens throughout NYC and the country. Albert’s Garden, adjacent to the Marble Cemetery, is an understated and quiet series of paths and nooks. Highlights include a large mural of a bird on the wall of an adjoining tenement and the back stone wall that predates the wall’s use by the adjoining New York Marble Cemetery. The 6th and B Community Garden dates to 1982 and is a model of preservation for an energetic greening movement. Since its founding, 6th and B has been distinguished by its members’ hands-on contributions in arts, education, and entertainment.

Saturday, April 16, 2011
12:00 pm