New York Neon: A Lecture by Thomas Rinaldi

Old neon signs often mark the spot of small businesses that have served as neighborhood anchors for generations. However, as growing development pressures have transformed the city’s urban landscape in recent decades, such veteran neighborhood institutions have vanished at an alarming rate, taking with them their historic signs. Happily, many signs can still be found around the city, some still in service more than eight decades after their installation. Thomas Rinaldi, author of the new book NEW YORK NEON, will present historic neon signs throughout the City, with an emphasis on those in Greenwich Village, while providing a historical and technical overview and discussing the way popular sentiment toward the signs has evolved through the years. His book will be available for sale and signing.

Monday, November 19, 2012
6:30 pm

Washington Square Institute, 41-51 East 11th Street,
4th Floor