Say It Ain’t Snow!
How New York Battles Winter in the Village and Beyond with Dr. Robin Nagle

Winter in Greenwich Village usually includes snow. It may look pretty while it’s coming down, but enough of it at once can paralyze a large urban area. What does it take for New York’s Department of Sanitation, the city agency in charge of snow removal, to keep the streets clear when the white stuff falls? And how did we deal with snow removal in the Village in the 1800s? The history of this essential chore may surprise you!

Join Robin Nagle, the DSNY’s anthropologist-in-residence and author of the book Picking Up, to learn some of the unexpected ways in which snow has shaped life in the Big Apple.

Thursday, January 14, 2016
6:30 pm

NYU Lecture Hall at 19 University Place, near 8th Street