The HB Playwrights Theatre: A West Village Haven for Theater
A lecture with dramatic readings

The HB Studio was already a thriving fixture in New York City’s cultural landscape when in 1965 founders Herbert Berghof and Uta Hagen realized their dream of establishing a theater. From his work on the film Cleopatra, Berghof earned the money to purchase the one-story garage they would convert to a 73-seat performance space.

For 50 years HB has presented productions, readings, panels, talks, and other theatrical events in this West Village gem. Now in its 70th year, HB Studio continues to provide a nurturing space for theater artists to work and practice, free from pressures related to commercial success.

Join us for a talk by Alan Pally about the history of HB and its theater, with short readings by HB notables Fritz Weaver and Rochelle Oliver from a few of the many plays performed there.

Thursday, September 10, 2015
6:30 pm

HB Playwrights Theatre
124 Bank Street, between Greenwich Street and Washington Street