APPROVED on 10/18/2011
Gansevoort Market Historic District
Corner of Little West 12th Street
A neo-Grec style store and loft building designed by Peter J. Zabriskie and built in 1887. Application is to install storefront infill and signage and modify the existing metal canopy.
A PDF of the application (that was presented to Community Board 2 on October 11th and approved by the Landmarks Preservation Commission on October 18th) may be found HERE.
Status as of October 18th, 2011: LATEST NEWS
The application was presented to the Landmarks Preservation Commission at their public hearing on October 18th. The Commission voted to approve the application.
Status as of October 11th, 2011:
The application was presented at the Community Board 2 hearing on October 11th. See above for photos. The application will be presented next at the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s hearing on October 18th. For more information, please visit the Commission’s agenda (note that the Commission updates its agendas on the Friday afternoon prior to each hearing; be sure to check back then to find out the approximate time at which this application will be heard).
Status as of September 30th, 2011:
This application is scheduled to be shown publicly for the first time at the Community Board 2 Landmarks & Public Aesthetics Committee public hearing on Tuesday, October 11th, 2011, at 6:30 pm in the NYU Silver Building, 32 Waverly Place, Room 208 (as this information is subject to change, please visit the Community Board’s website for the most up-to-date information). Public attendance and testimony are welcome.