CB2 hearing: 09/14/2021
LPC hearing: 11/23/2021
LPC meeting: 1/25/2022
Weehawken Street Historic District
At the Corner of West Street and 10th Street
1) From the CB2 agenda: Application is to construct a rooftop addition to relocate the Floor Area Ratio from the 1st floor (which is below flood level), for flood code compliance.
2) View the application: 1/25 Available in PDF; 11/23 Available in PDF; 9/14 Available in PDF.
3) View the video: A curated list of LPC videos of these presentations from March 2014 onward can be found on our YouTube page. Please note that the LPC posts these videos about a week after the presentation. Videos include the applicant’s presentation, public testimony (for hearings only), and deliberation by the LPC commissioners.
4) LPC designation report: Available in PDF; page 58.
5) Receive updates by email: Please click here if you would like Village Preservation to email you when there are updates to the status of this application.
1) Community Board 2 public hearing:
September 14, 2021 at 6:30pm via Zoom
2) Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) virtual public hearing:
November 23, 2021 at 9:30am via Zoom
3) Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) virtual public meeting:
January 25, 2022 at 9:30am via Zoom.
This section provides updates if there are changes to the hearing dates listed above, which includes instances when an application has been laid over (aka postponed). If applicable, LPC public meeting dates for this application will also be tracked here. Please note that public testimony is taken at public hearings, but not at public meetings.
1/25/2022 – Application unanimously approved at LPC public meeting following suggested revisions.
11/23/2021 – No action ruling at LPC public hearing.
9/14/2021 – CB2 Manhattan resolution recommends:
A. Approval of the general restoration of the facade provided that the doorways created for fire escape exits on the west facade be restored to the original window configuration and that the first floor infill is more substantial and with historical reference; and
B. Denial of aluminum frame windows and infill and that they be replaced with wooden windows of historical design and that the curved windows designs be properly reproduced; and
C. Denial of the steel and glass design of the rooftop addition and that it be of a more modest, less visible height and of a design that is harmonious with the background of the surrounding buildings.
D. That the revisions in the designs together with photographs of a mockup of a new rooftop addition be presented to the committee prior to a hearing before the Landmarks Commission.
Vote: Unanimous, with 42 Board members in favor.
Please note: All LPC public hearings and public meetings are held at the Municipal Building, 1 Centre Street, 9th floor north, public hearing room (unless otherwise noted).
STAY UPDATED! Click here for our e-alerts to be updated on this application as soon as we find out more.