APPROVED at the 04/17/2012 LPC meeting
Application closed
Greenwich Village Historic District
Between Eighth Avenue & Hudson Street
A Greek Revival style rowhouse built in 1846. Application is to construct rooftop and rear yard additions.
A PDF of the application that was presented to Community Board 2 on Monday, August 29th, and to the Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday, September 6th, may be viewed HERE.
Status as of April 19th, 2012: LATEST NEWS
This application was approved by the LPC at the April 17th public meeting. The applicant revised their proposal to reduce the bulkhead at the rooftop (which is still visible from the street) and to remove the visible windows there. The rear end addition has been removed from the proposal. This application is now closed.
Status as of April 16th, 2012:
We just learned that this application is scheduled for a public meeting on April 17th at the LPC, 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor. It is scheduled to be presented at 2:30pm.
Status as of September 6th, 2011:
This applicant presented the proposal to the Landmarks Preservation Commission at their public hearing on Tuesday, September 6th. In general, the Commission thought the proposal to enclose the rear terrace was inappropriate (as it would obscure original fabric on the rear facade) and that while a rooftop addition could be found acceptable, the proposed design needed revisions. The Commission decided to take no action on the proposal, but rather asked the applicant to make changes based on these comments and to present a revised proposal at a future public meeting (date TBD).
Status as of August 29th, 2011:
This applicant presented the proposal to the Landmarks & Public Aesthetics Committee of Community Board 2 on Monday, August 29th. The proposal is scheduled to be shown to the Landmarks Preservation Commission at their public hearing on Tuesday, September 6th. See above for photos and for more information.
Status as of August 23rd, 2011:
This application is scheduled to be shown publicly for the first time at the Community Board 2 Landmarks & Public Aesthetics Committee public hearing on Monday, August 29th in the NYU Silver Building, 32 Waverly Pl. Room 408 (as this information is subject to change, please visit the Community Board’s website for the most up-to-date information). Public attendance and testimony are welcome.