APPROVED on 05/06/2014

CB2 hearing: 01/13/2014
LPC hearing: 02/04/2014
LPC meeting I: 03/11/2014
LPC meeting II: 05/06/2014

Greenwich Village Historic District
Corner of Greenwich and Christopher Streets


1) From the LPC agenda: A school building designed by Thomas M. Bell and built in the early 1950’s, with an addition designed by Barry Rice and built in 2012. Application is construct rooftop and rear additions, and modify openings. Zoned R-6

**GVSHP note: This application is being presented along with the application for 100 Barrow Street (proposed new building on vacant lot).

3) LPC Designation Report: Read this property’s architectural/historical description.

4) Receive updates by email: Please click here if you would like Village Preservation to email you when there are updates to the status of this application.


This section provides updates if there are changes to the hearing dates listed above, which includes instances when an application has been laid over (aka postponed). If applicable, LPC public meeting dates for this application will also be tracked here. Please note that public testimony is taken at public hearings, but not at public meetings.

STAY UPDATED! Click here for our e-alerts to be updated on this application as soon as we find out more.

As of:

  • 5/6/14: Modified version of application approved at today’s LPC public meeting, and is now closed. The design looks similar to what was originally proposed, but the color and material of the rooftop addition was changed (it is now more of a red-brown color instead of yellow, and fiber-reinforced concrete panels replaced the previously proposed aluminum ones).
  • 3/11/14: At today’s public meeting, the applicant responded to public testimony from the 2/4 public hearing and the commissioners provided their feedback. The LPC took no action on this application today and requested that further revisions be made (to be presented at a future public meeting, date and time TBD). The commissioners were divided on the addition to the roof. All were okay with the massing of the addition, but some felt that the yellow metal did not relate well to the brick building below (the color felt off). However, other commissioners felt that the color looked better in the sample than in the rendering, and were therefore okay with it.
  • 3/07/14: Application scheduled for a 3/11 LPC public meeting.
  • 2/5/14: This application was heard at yesterday’s LPC public hearing, but due to time constraints, the commissioners did not provide comment. Instead they will do so at a future public meeting, date TBD. Please sign up for e-notifications from GVSHP if you wish to know when this meeting will be scheduled. The public cannot testify at that time, but you are welcome to attend.
  • 1/15/14: LPC hearing for 2/4/14 has been confirmed on the LPC website.
  • 1/14/14: At last night’s CB2 Landmarks Committee meeting, the applicant said this proposal will be presented on Tuesday, February 4th (time TBD) at the LPC. We will confirm this when the LPC agenda is released later this week.
  • 1/7/14: Application scheduled to be presented to CB2 on 1/13. LPC hearing likely to be held in early February, but we will update as soon as we know more.
  • 12/5/13: This application has been postponed and will not be presented at the 12/9 CB2 Landmarks Committee meeting. We have also received written confirmation from the LPC that the LPC hearing has been postponed until late January or early February.