Greenwich Village Historic District Southwest corner of Bank Street
An apartment building with classical style details and a commercial ground floor designed by Sass and Smallheiser and built in 1902. Application is install new storefront infill, awnings, lighting, signage and a barrier-free access ramp.
Photos of the original application that was presented to Community Board 2 on Monday, August 29th, and to the Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday, September 6th (these photos do not reflect the final, revised application, which was approved on October 4th):
Status as of October 4th, 2011: LATEST NEWS This applicant presented the revised application at the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s public meeting on Tuesday, October 4th. The following changes had been made to the original application:
1) The projecting storefront bays on Bank Street facade will be restored, and the historic design will be used as a basis for the design of the new bays on the Greenwich Avenue facade 2) The blacks stripes in the awning have been changed to brown 3) The paint will have an eggshell finish as opposed to semi-gloss, as originally proposed 4) The existing sign will be reused, but the lettering will be switched to indicate the name of the new business.
The Commission voted to approve the application.
Status as of September 30th, 2011: This applicant will present the revised application at the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s public meeting on Tuesday, October 4th.
Status as of September 6th, 2011: This applicant presented the proposal to the Landmarks Preservation Commission at their public hearing on Tuesday, September 6th. The Commission thought that the proposed signage was too large, that the proposed canopy was too busy, that there should be no historic fabric removed on the Bank Street facade, and that the proposed black paint was too intense (they recommended that the applicant research what historic paint colors might lie underneath). The Commission decided to take no action on the proposal, but rather asked the applicant to make changes based on these comments and to present a revised proposal at a future public meeting (date TBD).
Status as of August 29th, 2011: This applicant presented the proposal to the Landmarks & Public Aesthetics Committee of Community Board 2 on Monday, August 29th. The proposal is scheduled to be shown to the Landmarks Preservation Commission at their public hearing on Tuesday, September 6th. See above for photos and for more information.
Status as of August 23rd, 2011: This application is scheduled to be shown publicly for the first time at the Community Board 2 Landmarks & Public Aesthetics Committee public hearing on Monday, August 29th in the NYU Silver Building, 32 Waverly Pl. Room 408 (as this information is subject to change, please visit the Community Board’s website for the most up-to-date information). Public attendance and testimony are welcome.
1969 Designation Report, published by the Landmarks Preservation Commission when they designated the Greenwich Village Historic District