APPROVED on 12/17/2013
LPC meeting: 12/17/2013
LPC hearing: 05/07/2013
CB3 hearing I: 03/06/2013
CB3 hearing II: 05/02/2013
Individual Landmark
131 East 10th Street
1) From the LPC agenda: A Georgian style church built in 1799, and altered with the construction of a Greek Revival style tower by Town and Tompson in 1826-28, and the construction of an Italianate style portico in 1854. Application is to install a barrier-free access ramp.
2) LPC Designation Report: An architectural and historical description of the building is available in the designation report.
3) Photos of the application: 3/6/13 presentation and additional photos; see also 5/2/13 presentation
4) Receive updates by email: Please click here if you would like Village Preservation to email you when there are updates to the status of this application.
This section provides updates if there are changes to the hearing dates listed above, which includes instances when an application has been laid over (aka postponed). If applicable, LPC public meeting dates for this application will also be tracked here. You can read more about public meetings on our blog, Off the Grid.
STAY UPDATED! Click here for our e-alerts to be updated on this application as soon as we find out more.
As of:
- 12/18/13: Application approved at yesterday’s LPC public meeting. The applicant said that their original proposal was the most feasible option, and the LPC was satisfied with this explanation. This application is now closed.
- 12/13/13: Application scheduled for an LPC public meeting on 12/17 at approximately 2:45 P.M.
- 7/16/13: We learned at today’s public meeting that this application was laid over this morning, so it was not presented today. It will be scheduled for a future meeting, date TBD.
- 7/12/13: The revised application will be presented at the 7/16 LPC public meeting. No testimony is taken at this time, but the public is welcome to attend.
- 5/8/13: The commissioners did not take a vote at yesterday’s public hearing as they did not have a quorum. Instead they asked that the applicant return at a future public meeting (date TBD) to show them alternate proposals for the ramp and also give solid answers as to why these are not feasible.
- 5/2/13: We have received confirmation from the LPC that this application will be heard on Tuesday, May 7th. Public testimony will be taken at this time.
- 4/29/13: Scheduled to be presented again to CB3 on 5/2, see information above.
- 4/5/13: LPC hearing postponed and will not be heard on 4/9.
- 3/22/13: LPC hearing rescheduled for 4/9.
- 3/1/13: Laid over at LPC, future date TBD. CB3 hearing scheduled for March 6th, see above for details.