“Welcome to the Neighborhood”: Supporting New Local Independent Businesses
Supporting the independent businesses of our neighborhoods has long been part of Village Preservation’s mission. We honor, recognize, and promote long-standing small, independent businesses in our neighborhoods via our Business of the Month program, our Small Business, Big History program, and our Annual Awards, along with fighting for legislation and regulations that help support small businesses.
We also have a program aimed at welcoming new small independent businesses in our neighborhoods, to support them and help ensure they succeed and last. Our “Welcome to the Neighborhood” program helps promote new small businesses in Greenwich Village, the East Village, and NoHo via our website, social media, and blog. It’s a great way to find out about unique new stores in the neighborhood and help support a healthy retail landscape in our communities. Explore all our “Welcome to the Neighborhood” new small businesses here.
Know a new independent business in the neighborhood we should be welcoming? LET US KNOW! Email us at info@villagepreservation.org!