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Author: Sheryl

The San Remo Cafe: Archive Edition

Off the Grid often features images from GVSHP’s Preservation Archive and Oral History Project. The image archive includes approximately 300 images from ten different collections that document the architecture, cultural … Continued

    Washington Square Arch: Then AND Now

    One of the many tools historic preservationists use in their work is historic images. They are an invaluable resource in seeing firsthand how our built environment has changed and stayed … Continued

      A Luckless Landmark

      When the building at 150 Barrow Street, known as the Keller Hotel building, was landmarked seven years ago today, the future looked bright for this historic waterfront treasure. Although vacant … Continued

      Ghosts of Off the Grid Past

      Traditions abound during the holiday season. For many, family and charity are top priorities, while for others, shopping is the order of the day. And for most cultures, food plays … Continued

        From the Archives … The Old Pear Tree

        This week, research requests to the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation converged and pointed us to a unique image in our Historic Image Archive. Titled “The old pear-tree planted … Continued

          Happy Birthday Malcolm Gladwell

          Journalist, author, and Greenwich Village resident Malcolm Gladwell turns fifty today. Happy Birthday, Mr. Gladwell. Like many authors who have chosen to make the Village their home, Gladwell is originally … Continued

            Architecture That Never Was

            Readers of Off the Grid should be familiar with the many preservation victories Greenwich Village has won over the years, including the extension of Fifth Avenue through Washington Square Park, … Continued